I woke up and heard, “Open your hands. I want you to open your hands. Let the dove descend.
“You ever see those crazy people in church with their hands raised. Hahaha, that’s totally me. (2.5) years ago I used to crack jokes and laugh, “Look at those crazy people in church with their hands raised.” …until the time I actually raised my hands
Two of my favorite prayers are very simple. Try them.
1. Lord, help me.
2. God, this is big. (really big) ~emphasis added I’m small. (really small) ~ emphasis again Fill in the gaps.
I like to make a sandwich.
-Lord, help me. This is big. I’m really small. Fill in the gaps. Jesus, help me.
Some pray to God, some to Jesus, some to the Holy Spirit or some simply say Lord, however you wish.
***But while praying, are we posturing ourselves in a position to receive. We might ask for prayer or even receive it or someone wants to pray for us, but are we putting our hearts in a position to receive. I’m not saying we have to, but it helps.
When the world gives us a gift, how do we receive it? We extend our hands/arms.
The Lord wants to bless us. He does. Are we ready to receive it?
Posture. Open hands, palms up, or we can raise our arms. (I’m not saying you have to, but it may help.)It may be weird or uncomfortable – because we worry about what we look like towards other people. I used to say, “Don’t they feel stupid with their hands and arms raised like that?”
Die to ourselves so we don’t die to the world.
The enemy wants us to keep our hands down. He wants to keep us down.
**The enemy doesn’t want our prayers answered.**
For real, I’m being serious, I’ve talked to him and demons and witches. The enemy thinks like this.
**They can pray all they want, all they want, but as long as I keep their hands, hearts and minds at bay, they’ll never receive. Dangling the carrot in front of our faces so we never, ever see the blessing or opportunity.**
The enemy wants to keep us were we are, alive and living in the world is 100% okay, as long as it’s not alive and living for Christ.
Set yourself free.
Stay blessed, stay woke, stay tuned.